The deadline for the completion of the design work for the new metal-processing plant is extended to 31 August 2021. On 9 January 2020, “SFM Latvia” SIA has signed an agreement with the Central Finance and Contracting Agency on the implementation of the project “Development of a new industrial building and infrastructure for “SFM Latvia” SIA” under identification No. (hereinafter referred to as the Project). The eligible costs of the Project are estimated at EUR 2,612,568.80, of which 45% or EUR 1,175,655.96 are planned to be covered by co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund. The Project is to be implemented by 13 December 2022. Published on 30.07.2021.
The procurement procedure “Construction of a metal-processing industrial building” (ID No. ERAF-2021/B-1) within the framework of the Project has been completed with “PK Serviss” SIA construction company as the successful contractor. On 9 January 2020, “SFM Latvia” SIA has signed an agreement with the Central Finance and Contracting Agency on the implementation of the project “Development of a new industrial building and infrastructure for “SFM Latvia” SIA” under identification No. (hereinafter referred to as the Project). The eligible costs of the Project are estimated at EUR 2,612,568.80, of which 45% or EUR 1,175,655.96 are planned to be covered by co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund. The Project is to be implemented by 13 December 2022. Published on 29.10.2021.
On 23 December 2021, an agreement has been signed with “PK Serviss” SIA construction company for the construction of a new metal-processing industrial building at Langervaldes Street 2A, Cenu parish, Ozolnieki municipality. On 9 January 2020, “SFM Latvia” SIA has signed an agreement with the Central Finance and Contracting Agency on the implementation of the project “Development of a new industrial building and infrastructure for “SFM Latvia” SIA” under identification No. (hereinafter referred to as the Project). The eligible costs of the Project are estimated at EUR 2,612,568.80, of which 45% or EUR 1,175,655.96 are planned to be covered by co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund. The Project is to be implemented by 13 December 2022. Published on 10.01.2022.